Archive for January 31st, 2010


AZ Plays with Color Schemes

I found this useful website called  It’s a useful, free website where you can put some colors together to see how it looks.  I tried it out on a few, using some of the tips that I’ve learned over the past few posts.  Give the following color schemes a gander and leave some constructive comments!  There’s one thing that’s set in stone, though, and that is the color red.  It has to be there somewhere.

The colors don’t show up quite as well as I imagine, so please allow for some give.  I see the above color scheme as dark brown, warm red, plum, and an off-white.

So, let’s take red and create some color schemes based on my 2010.01.27 post (the basics of color).  Let’s start with a complementary color scheme:

I don’t particularly care for this color scheme because it flirts too much with Christmas and though I absolutely LOVE Christmastime, I think the colors are best left for the holiday.  Thanks, but no thanks.

Now, this analogous color scheme (red, red-violet, violet) is really quite appealing!  I would put this toward the top of my list.  I tried to put red, red-orange, and orange together, but that didn’t look nearly as good:

Orange seems to be a very difficult color to work with, so I’d personally leave it to the interior design experts!  Pass!

No doubt: punt the triad color scheme.  This reminds me of elementary art school.  A room I previously posted did this well, but it is still not appealing to me for my own home.

Now here’s another stunning color scheme!  The split-complementary color scheme is quite marvelous.  The cool colors, purple and yellow-green, really help to change red’s feeling from high-energy to a warm color. And even changing the shades a little is just as appealing, as noted below:

So, the question is, what do you think?  As I mentioned before, red is absolute necessity; that is not a negotiable color in the least.  Currently, I like the split-complementary and analogous, though this could change tomorrow for all I know!  The next item is how do I take three colors that I love together and use them tastefully in a living room, bedroom, or kitchen?  That’s a question to be addressed on another day.  Let’s continue with color for now.

January 2010